Whatever Floats Your Boat: Pontoon Accessories To Get Excited About

Pontoons are low, flat level boats that float along on aluminum skids. They are fun to drive and sit in all day, but their appearance is somewhat, well, vanilla. If you like your pontoon, but you are less excited about it than you could be, maybe it is time to get some pontoon boat accessories. Here are a few items that will really float your boat, both literally and figuratively. [Read More]

3 Things Not To Bring On Your First Bike Tour

Your first bike tour is an exciting adventure, and you want to make sure to pack so that you're prepared for anything, right? Well, not exactly. The fact is, if you run into trouble on your bike tour, it's probably not going to be because you didn't pack for any eventuality. It's more likely to be because you packed too much and couldn't keep up with all the extra weight. On a bike tour, space and weight are at a premium, and it's important to be thrifty with your space. [Read More]

3 Tips For Adding Pole Dance Fitness To Your Life

When you want to be sure that you are able to get a great workout that suits your mind and body, you should choose something that you enjoy. Many women are turning to pole dance fitness as a way to build total body strength and confidence at the same time. To learn a little bit more about why these classes are becoming so popular, how you can find the right dance studio, and what few guidelines for beginners are, read below and start reaching out to some studios. [Read More]

2 Items To Bring On Bike Tours — Other Than Biking Gear

When going on a multi-day bike tour, you either need to borrow or bring a bike, helmet, and appropriate clothing for biking. These aren't all the items you'll want to have with you, though. If you're getting ready for a bike tour, here are two other things to pack in your suitcase. A Camera That Affixes to Your Helmet Most bike tours follow picturesque roots, and you'll likely want to take pictures along the way. [Read More]